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IDSeverity[[state]]OpenedOpened byAssigned ToSummary[[changedby]]Last EditedPrivate
 6906 Medium29.12.2017Roman Yagodin Broken links in bugtracker 28.05.2020No Task Description

All links in the “Welcome to the PlaneShift BugTracker!” text are broken!

“Syntax” help link in the text editor toolbar also broken.

 6866 Medium01.05.2016Roman Yagodin strings.xml general issues 03.06.2020No Task Description

The ‘strings.xml’ file misses XML header and also contains duplicate strings “%s from %s: %s”.

This prevents to upload current ‘strings.xml’ file as base resource on project, so this could also affect other translation services and software.


 6865 Medium01.05.2016Roman Yagodin Old forum link 03.06.2020No Task Description

Localization files and also ‘pawscharcreatemain.cpp’ contain links to old forums at


Also, the link in ‘pawscharcreatemain.cpp’ code is broken, but I couldn’t find anything on the main site about character names rules. Though there is “Naming Rules” section on the PSwiki at

 6864 Medium01.05.2016Roman Yagodin Typo: Mainchat brackets 23.10.2022No Task Description

The ‘configchat.xml’ contains “Main chat brackets” text, but ‘strings.xml’ file contains two entries: “Main chat brackets” and also “Mainchat brackets”. Various ‘stringtable.xml’ files contains first or second or both variants. Seems like initial typo in ‘configchat.xml’ was once propagated to localization resources, but resources were only partially updated after typo in the PAWS file was fixed.

Diff for SVN rev 9920:

 6863 Medium27.04.2016Roman YagodinVenalan Italian string in the base language file 31.01.2017No1 Task Description

The ‘strings.xml’ file contains string in italian “Sei sicuro di voler caricare il tuo personaggio?”, which should be “Are you sure you want to upload your character?” in english. The ‘stringtable.xml’ with italian translation contains entries for both variants. No more occurrences found in the SVN source.


 6862 Medium27.04.2016Roman YagodinVenalan Typo: Chose Color 31.01.2017No1 Task Description

Working on russian translation for PS client UI I’ve encountered a number of localization-related bugs, so I’m starting to upload them of flyspray, one thing at the time.

To the issue: the ‘data/gui/illumination.xml’ file have typo “Chose Color ©“, which was propagated to ‘strings.xml’ file in ‘lang’ folder and also to number of ‘stringtable.xml’ files with translations.

Complete diff (created with ‘svn diff’ command):

 6833 Medium19.01.2016Roman YagodinVenalan Brown Way Glyph Training: Jardet won't sell a glyph 21.01.2016No2 Task Description
Jardet Forsill says: I'm willing to sell you the glyph for 40 circles if you'd like.
> Jardet Forsill says: Or you can go and find it yourself.
> /me says: I'd like to buy one, here is the tria.
> >Jardet Forsill does not need that.
> >Trade declined
 6832 Medium17.01.2016Roman Yagodin Darker nights 05.06.2021No1 Task Description

Maybe it just my personal preference, but I feel like Yliakum nights could be a little darker (about -0.1 or even -0.2 of current brightness value).

 6820 Medium26.07.2015Roman Yagodin Chat window scrollbars misbehavior 03.06.2020No2 Task Description

1) Press mouse left button on scrollbar thumb in chat window
2) Move mouse up and down, left and right
3) Release mouse button

Expected behavior:

Text is scrolled up and down, depending on up and down mouse movements.

Actual behavior:

Text is scrolled up and down only while cursor moved inside the scrollbar rectangle.
If cursor moved outside scrollbar rectangle (possible - thumb rectangle), scrolling is stopped.

Tested in elves & minimatuux skins.
Scrollbars in other windows behave as expected.

 6816 Medium21.06.2015Roman Yagodin Bestowing the Gifts of Xiosia 28.06.2015No1 Task Description

Completing the Bestowing the Gifts of Xiosia quest worsened Science Association faction points.
It's very strange, as Herbal means working with nature ingredients.

6814Medium20.06.2015Roman YagodinBring gods in the game03.04.2017No1 Task Description

From game chat:

/tell Laanx Hi, Laanx!
> Laanx is not found online.

Current /pray command is a shortcut for /emote pray, but it could be interesting to have separate command to pray gods (or specific god) for miracles or even ask them about something.

“Miracles” should be protective / healing spells, casted on character or group, or offensive spells, casted on enemies.
Spell set could vary by god. Rate of success of appeal & spell power could be determined by character race, faction points, number of previous appeals (in the game day), sacrifices and also (maybe) current location, weather and time of the day.

If god name not specified, any god in the mood could answer to the prayer.
Also, appeling to the more ancient gods (Laanx, Talad) should have lesser rate of success, but greater miracles or revelations.

Any character (even have no magical abilities and choose to be atheist) could use this command.

Gods could be implemented as (invisible) NPCs.

Example command formats:

Pray: /pray [godname]
Ask: /tell [godname] [question]
Sacrifice: /give [godname] [itemname]

Forum thread:

 6768 Medium15.01.2015Roman Yagodin Books with images wrong behavior 03.06.2020No Task Description

Books what have images behave wrong.

If a book was closed e.g. on 3-and-4 pages, then when it opened again, it shows only first page content on the left side, right side is clear, but pages have numbers 3-and-4:

 6767 Medium15.01.2015Roman YagodinVenalan Help with Deciphering a Message 01.11.2015No3 Task Description

Thrynt won't accept the right riddle answer (done this quest before with another char).

 6765 Very Low14.01.2015Roman YagodinDavide Vescovini Count quest rewards in Circles 01.04.2016No3 Task Description

Currently quest rewards are counted in Trias:

You received 8000 tria.

But it would be more atmospheric to count them in Circles:

You received 32 Circles.
 6764 Medium14.01.2015Roman YagodinVenalan Malco's Munchies two coins 10.02.2015No1 Task Description
Malco: "Here, two coins."
> Malco: "Run get Malco a bronze soup from Belcor."
> You have received a Circle.
> You bought 1 Bronze Soup for 1 Circles, 2 Octas, 1 Hexas and 5 Trias…

Should Malco give 2 Circles then?

 6757 Medium05.01.2015Roman YagodinVenalan Default pointer image fix 31.01.2017No Task Description

The default pointer from /art/skins/base/ ⇒ gui/pointer_normal.png displayed wrong - have yellow bottom corners and some yellow paint above it. Sorry, can't make a screenshot as there will be no pointer.

After changing pointer_normal.png from indexed to RGB colors, pointer displayed just fine. Removing extra PNG information also makes fixed version smaller (606 bytes vs original 1.2 KBytes).

Fixed pointer_normal.png


Linux 3.11-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.11.8-1 (2013-11-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux
AMD Radeon HD 7660G, AMD proprietary driver: fglrx-driver 1:13.8~beta1-3
OpenGL version string: 4.3.12438 Compatibility Profile Context 13.20.5

Note that this issue is very old and was notices on various Ubuntu and Debian distros, distro versions, at least on 3 different AMD/ATI cards, with different PS client versions.

 6756 Medium05.01.2015Roman Yagodin Typo in the game credits 28.05.2020No3 Task Description

Game credits text contain at least two references to “molthrir armor”.

 6741 Medium30.12.2014Roman Yagodin Not well-formed XML: control_styles.xml 03.06.2020No Task Description

The control_styles.xml is not well-formed XML:

1. Root element is missing
2. Different tag names used (style1, style2, …) with same semantics

This makes formal XML operations on control_styles.xml impossible (prevents automatic XSD schema generation, XSLT transformations, etc.)

Current control_styles.xml structure:







In contrast, styles.xml is well-formed:


  <style name="label"...>


So, the structure of control_styles.xml should be refactored (e.g. like shown below) with corresponding changes in the C++ code, what depending on it.


  <style name="style1"...>
  <style name="style2"...>


 6740 Medium30.12.2014Roman YagodinVenalan Patches for /data/gui XML files 30.12.2014No5 Task Description

Recently I've tried to build an XSD schema for PAWS using core /data/gui XML files as a base, but encounter some errors that should be fixed first.

Trang tool summary:

charcreate.xml 169:47 The value of attribute "name" associated with an element type "widget" must not contain the '<' character.

configspellchecker.xml 44:40 The value of attribute "string" associated with an element type "text" must not contain the '<' character.

control_styles.xml 28:2
The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.
Patch (a variant)

credits_config.xml 4:19 The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.

questnotebook.xml 5:54 The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.

scripthirednpcwindow.xml 4:140 Attribute "savepositions" was already specified for element "widget".

//Note:// click "Raw" button on Gist to get patch file.

Also, most XML files missing <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> header!

 6571 Medium20.08.2014Roman YagodinVenalan Latest changes to compiling guide is unclear 03.04.2016No2 Task Description

Latest changes to the compiling guide (/trunk/docs/compiling.html) is unclear about the CrystalSpace part.


Crystal Space (CS)
> Crystal Space 3D SDK is the engine that we use for rendering and sound.
> $HOME/development$ svn co -r 39798 + manually apply 39918 as patch to fix startup crashes cs

Last line looks like terminal command, but this "+ manually…" is not a part of svn command syntax!
So how I can "manually apply 39918 as patch to fix startup crashes"?

6472Medium20.05.2014Roman YagodinNPC dialog shows NPC's public phrases20.05.2014No Task Description

Often then I'm trying to speak with NPC using "new" NPC dialog, on activate it shows NPC's reply bubble with a common public phrase (instead of [private] quest choices).

Think that NPC speech bubble should be displayed only for NPC's replies on quest choices / answers. Rule is simple: no quest choices made in dialog session = no need to show NPC reply bubble. All other NPC talk should be directed to the chat.

 6471 Medium20.05.2014Roman YagodinVenalan A Breezy Day 21.05.2014No1 Task Description

Dialog with Dhalia assumes that Serevim is staying near and quest require casting spell on him, but in some cases Serevim is just not around.

 6470 Medium20.05.2014Roman Yagodin Camera mode set by NPC dialog saved on exit as user-set 03.06.2020No1 Task Description

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Activate “Bubbles” NPC dialog
  2. Exit PS, but not close dialog
  3. Enter PS

Current behavior: after login camera is always set to first-person mode.

Expected behavior: after login camera should be in last user-set mode.

 6468 Medium17.05.2014Roman YagodinVenalan Malco Broke Hammer 19.05.2014No1 Task Description

Last phrase of Malco in "Malco Broke Hammer" quest starts with dollar sign: "$Sir see Gurgus now."

 6467 Medium17.05.2014Roman YagodinVenalan From Archmaster to Archmaster 17.05.2014No1 Task Description

Some after Govell receves a package, he says: "Just give him this letter for me, would you?". I belive, it a bit unclear and should be: "Just give him this letter from me, would you?". Or "Just give him this letter, would you do it for me?"

 6466 Medium17.05.2014Roman YagodinVenalan Levrus Rat Eye reward 19.05.2014No2 Task Description

After receiving rat eyes, Levrus says: "Choose your reward wisely. You may only have one."

As reward now is random, this message should be revised.

 6432 Medium07.05.2014Roman YagodinJoe Lyon Shortcut Bar settings are not preserved 04.06.2020No2 Task Description

I’ve noticed, that new shortcut window settings in Options > Interface > Shortcut Bar like visibility of Right/Left scroll button, visibility of scrollbar, etc - are not restored properly on next client reload.

Other settings (button/test size, font, edit lock, button background) are restored fine.

After client load, these controls always have this state:

  • “Left/Up scroll button” radiogroup is set to “Auto”
  • “Right/Down scroll button” radiogroup is set to “Auto”
  • “Scroll Bar” radiogroup is not set !
  • “Health and Mana” checkbox is checked

Settings with manually set options:


Settings just after client reload:


 6418 Medium24.04.2014Roman YagodinJoe Lyon Shortcut window buttons 03.06.2020No1 Task Description

1) Please allow pawsScrollMenu lock button to be skinned through xml UI description.
2) Please consider add pawsScrollMenu navigation buttons to common shortcut buttons flow.
3) And also: if a shortcut button is last in a row, resize it to fill all remaining space.

In the current release, shortcut window lock & navigation buttons placement and size is hard-coded. So, it is impossible to move lock button to another location in a window, nor change / fix it’s size. Lock button size now depends on button width / height settings, but it makes pawsScrollMenu hard to skin, as first shortcut table column left side doesn’t have fixed x-coordinate.


pawsScrollMenu navigation button placement is also hard-coded and this creates more difficulties in skinning. Hard-coding navigation is not that bad, if navigation buttons can be added in common shortcut buttons flow. So, if left/up button is shown, it take place of first shortcut button in a current page; if right/down button is shown, it take place of last shortcut button in a current page.

Navigation buttons placement may be configured by user through shortcut window options. Left/up button may be placed in left-top or left-bottom corners, right/down button in right-top or right-bottom corners.

Another feature is to make pawsScrollMenu look more rectangular, removing right side “ladder”. It can be done if last (in each row) shortcut button width is auto adjusted to fill all remaining space (see variant 2 on a picture). So shortcut window could dock fine to the right or left side of PS client window equally, without fixing all buttons width in options.


 6417 Medium23.04.2014Roman YagodinVenalan Typos on character creation screen 21.08.2021No Task Description

Screenshot 1: Screenshot 2:

 6416 Medium23.04.2014Roman YagodinVenalan Introduction to The Food Association quest notes 11.05.2014No Task Description

Very first quest note after asking Jomed Parcen to introduce you to The Food Association contains "… and then asks you to collect a dozen of night mushrooms for him" - but this task is mentioned in a dialog somewhat later. Another note confirm task again: "You asked Jomed what he need to join and he asked you to bring him 12 night mushrooms…"

I also think that "You asked Jomed what he need to join…" phrase is not very clear and should be like "You asked Jomed what he needs to introduce you to The Food Association…" or something.

 6267 Medium27.11.2013Roman Yagodin Enabling bloom results in colorful frame lines 18.02.2020No Task Description

Enabling bloom effect results in colorful frame lines on right and bottom sides of a window.


AMD Radeon HD 7660G APU
Linux simargl 3.10-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.10.5-1 (2013-08-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux
fglrx-driver 13.4-3 from repository

 6249 Medium22.11.2013Roman Yagodin Markup is ignored in bugtracker details / comments 31.05.2020No2 Task Description

So the subject - markup is effectively ignored in bugtracker details / comments - maybe, it’s only for me? Some examples:

This is the headers:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

This is a list:

  • one
  • two
  • three

This is a link:

This is an image:

This is the code block:

var a = new int [] {3, 25, -8};
Array.Resize<int>(ref a, 5);
 6241 Medium21.11.2013Roman YagodinRalph Campbell New /equip behaviour 19.02.2015No11 Task Description

From PlaneShift 0.6.0 changelog:

Fixed bug #6021 - This fix should mean the /equip command will not pick items already equipped.

In 0.5.9 this shortcut do the job of drawing two Longswords fast:

/dequip righthand
/dequip lefthand
/equip righthand Longsword
/equip lefthand Longsword

In 0.6.0 this shortcut results in drawing only one Longsword - another remains in the inventory.
Repeating this shortcut switches between those two swords is a righthand slot.

Maybe, it's not a major issue, cause it reveal only if you try to equip
two items with same name, and this shortcut is working:

/dequip righthand
/dequip lefthand
/equip righthand Longsword
/equip lefthand Sabre

But it shows that item ID's should be used instead of item names (or maybe check equipped state of items) then apply "will not pick items already equipped" logic to them.

6240Medium21.11.2013Roman YagodinBook use commands mess21.11.2013No Task Description

For crafting book /use command equips book in mind slot - and it’s OK, I think.
But how to open crafting book for reading, as of RMB click in inventory?

Then dragging a book from inventory to shortcut window, /use command is created.
But /use command for common book just results in a book, equiped in righthand slot (in case it’s empty).
Book isn’t opened for reading nor writing, so where is no result of using it. So no /use…

After equipping a common book in a hand slot, /use [slot-name] command just kills the psclient… This one really unexpected :(

/write [item-name] command syntax not working on a writable book, resulting message is: “You cannot write on this item” -
but this syntax described in a Help window! And /write [slot-name] syntax works as expected.

I think it’s clear that /read command for a books must exist to make complete set. Some use cases:

* want to read any book - use /read [item-name] or /read [slot-name]
* want to write to a writable book - use /write [item-name] or /write [slot-name]
* want to equip / dequip any book - use /equip and /dequip commands

Sane default results for /use command:

* Crafting book - equip in a mind slot.

It's a reference book, to take a look from time to time in a crafting process, after all.

* Common book and writable book - open book reading window. Using a book in a real world means “read it”.

Other "uses" (as a blunt weapon, fuel, press-papier, etc.) are less common.
 6238 Medium21.11.2013Roman YagodinRalph Campbell Typos in help.xml 24.01.2014No4 Task Description

Must be /confirm:

2558 <topic name="/comfirm">

Missing slash before command name:

2680 <topic name="report">

 6230 Medium20.11.2013Roman Yagodin Default chat.xml minor issues 31.01.2017No Task Description

Widget tooltip must be "Channels", not "Chat" on line 55:

55 <widget name="Chat Button" factory="pawsButton" toggle="yes" id="1008" tooltip="Chat" shadows="yes" style="Standard Tab">
56 <label text="Channels"/>

Double angle bracket at the end of line 196:

194 <widget name="GuildText" factory="pawsMessageTextBox" visible="no" id="1104">
195 <frame x="65" y="0" width="435" height="120" border="no" />
196 <bgimage resource="Scaling Field Background" /»

 6083 Medium23.07.2013Roman YagodinTalad PlaneShift site copyright is too old 12.08.2013No1 Task Description

Copyright in a footer of is "Copyright 2001-2007 Atomic Blue…" is too old.

Could the second year in a copyright notice be set automatically?

 6082 Medium23.07.2013Roman YagodinTalad "Recent code changes" doesn't show recent changes 28.07.2013No1 Task Description

"Recent code changes" block on main page of does not shows code changes since 02 may 2013.

SourceForge code repository looks empty, so it is moved somewhere?

 5990 Medium29.04.2013Roman YagodinVenalan Dark Way block of the plaza fountain is missing descrip ...20.11.2013No1 Task Description

Don't know is it actually a bug, or it is by design, but I cannot see a description (no View context command) of one of the fountain blocks on the Hydlaa plaza, that seems to refer to the Dark Way (cause other blocks are refered to all other Ways).

Without an info from this description, it's pretty hard to solve a riddle in "Artifact of Laanx" quest!

 5986 Medium17.04.2013Roman Yagodin Hollow in a sky on the top of BD wall 18.02.2020No1 Task Description


Bug present 100% time, so it is not random.

Ubuntu 12.10 x86_64
AMD Radeon HD 7660G (APU)
Closed-source Catalyst 13.1 driver

 5968 Medium05.04.2013Roman YagodinAnders Reggestad Add /brightness command 20.11.2013No4 Task Description

It would be nice to have a /brightness command, so it can be placed in startup scripts and assigned to shortcuts.


/brightness [value | increase | decrease | reset ]

 5944 Medium23.03.2013Roman YagodinVenalan Jecascis Airiskel won't accept items in "New Sabre for  ...28.03.2013No3 Task Description

Jecascis Airiskel won't accept Sabre Blade + Sword Hilt nor Sabre Kit in "New Sabre for Jecascis" quest:
"Sorry, good Enkidukai, but I can't see the blade and the handle where are they? …"

A punctuation in this phrase are also need to be revised.

5943Medium22.03.2013Roman YagodinAdd NPC with identification service12.08.2013No3 Task Description

With a plenty of crafted and looted weapons and armor around, there is a need for some basic identification service running by NPC (e.g. Levrus).

To make a ground for an business and relations between real players, NPC identification service should be:

1) expensive
2) less than 100% successful (how about 75%?)
3) limited by item quality / price

5941Medium21.03.2013Roman YagodinImprove character name generation UI21.03.2013No Task Description

It can be handy to have two separate “Suggest name” buttons for first and last name fields in character creation screen.

It opens an easy way to find a nice combination of first / last name for a new character.

 5940 Medium21.03.2013Roman YagodinVenalan Access to the tutorial for all new characters 22.05.2013No1 Task Description

Access to the tutorial area must be allowed not only for a first character in account, but for every new character.

Benefits are:

1) A feedback about tutorial improvements, bugs and so on - not only from a GM / DEV team, but from all community.
2) Some initial equipment and training for every new character.
3) It's more RP, I think.

5936Medium18.03.2013Roman YagodinBook titles for crafting techniques are missing06.05.2014No6 Task Description

So the subject: book titles for crafting techniques are missing in using “elves” skin (and other skins too):


But writable and setting books are ok:


5906Medium25.02.2013Roman YagodinDisable display quantity for a slots with only one item25.02.2013No Task Description

I think, slots in all windows should not have quantity labels displayed then there is only one item.
It concerns inventory window (including equipment slots), a hotbar, container, exchange (could be), etc.

 5899 Medium19.02.2013Roman YagodinAnders Reggestad List pages then reading a book with a mouse scroll 20.11.2013No3 Task Description

I think it can be natural to list pages then reading a book (a ReadBook window) with a mouse scroll.

 5898 Medium19.02.2013Roman YagodinMordaan Hygrnn's Other Bag: quest notes in NPC chat 22.05.2013No1 Task Description

In "Hygrynn's Other Bag" quest, then I finish talking to Acigra, a message, that must go to automatic quest notes (description), displayed in the NPC chat instead.
And I can't find it in the quest description afterwards.


 5895 Medium18.02.2013Roman YagodinVenalan Vresa's New Sword: Barrin refuses to recognize correct  ...17.03.2013No1 Task Description

Barrin Dhorod: "Who told you about my experiments?"

Then I select from a Quest Responses window:

"Harnquist told me about it."

Barrin Dhorod: "I don't understand you, sorry."

I've selected "Harnquist told me about it." several times with same effect.


/tellnpc Harnquist told me

Barrin Dhorod: "Ah, then I know which blade you are speaking about."

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